Purchase confirmation

Preview the Workflow


Varduhi Tananyan


Gaming & Betting



Publication date:





Recent technological developments have significantly increased the appeal of online gaming.

The gaming industry is among the most intriguing in the technology sector because of its importance to culture, entertainment, and technological advancement. As a result, more and more people make purchases from gaming companies and sending a confirmational email after their purchase is necessary. 

A confirmation email is a transactional and automatic response email triggered by customer actions. They serve primarily as reassurances that the action taken was successful. 

The workflow will help you to make this process accurate. It consists of 2 blocks. The first block is the event trigger. The event will be triggered when the contact makes a purchase. Immediately after the event occurs, the email template will be sent. This email is used to thank your customers for their purchases and give them information about their payments. 

Please consider opt-in to the "Allow multiple subscribe" field to let the contact re-enter this workflow.