Send Emails promoting Plan Upgrade after Free Trial Ended

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Varduhi Tananyan


FinTech (Accounting & Financial)
Education & Online training
Small Business
Gaming & Betting
Fitness & Nutrition



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Emails promoting Plan Upgrade are crucial for product-led businesses driven by both free trial and ‘freemium’ models. They help convince prospects to convert and upgrade from free to paid accounts and to higher premium plans. 

Whether your customers are converting from free trials to paid services or moving up from basic to premium plans, the proposed workflow provides some helpful tactics and ready-made upgrade email templates for you to use as examples when crafting your own upgrade emails. 


  1. Create a segment for customers whose free trial will expire in 1 week (the time frame can be adjusted in accordance with your company’s needs)
  2. Send the first email when the contact is added to the segment (1 week before a free trial is about to expire), letting the customer know that the free trial will expire soon.
  3. Send the second email 4 days after the previous one (3 days before the expiration), offering an upgrade or choosing the forever free plan.
  4. Send the third email 24 hours before the expiration (2 days after the previous email), informing the customer to upgrade to continue to use.
  5. Send the fourth email 5 days after the precious one, listing the benefits of the upgrade. Offer to take an anonymous survey.
  6. Send the fifth email 5 days after the previous one offering an incentive/a special offer to upgrade.
  7. Continue sending more emails if required, in accordance with your marketing needs and content plan.