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Hayk Hayrapetyan
May 17, 2019
Better Audience Segmentation

Email Segmentation. How’s That?

“50% off on dog deodorant”. An email with such a subject would pleasantly surprise you, if you own a dog. But what if you don’t? The email will most likely appear in the trash without even being opened.

What happened here? You know the business, which contacted you, but you own a fish, why are you receiving promotions for dog deodorant?

The answer is simple: the sender hasn’t used list segmentation.

70 percent of consumers become frustrated when the content isn’t relevant to them, according to ExitBee report.

Without proper segmentation your Email marketing will most likely fail: your irrelevant emails may be ignored, deleted, or even worse — a reader may unsubscribe from your mailing list.

By properly segmenting your contact list, you’ll organize your contacts into different groups, targeting reader’s needs and interests and sending relevant emails.

There are different types of segmentation, depending on what you offer, what information you have, or what interests your contacts display.


Let’s get started with the 3 easiest segmentation strategies:  

  1. Contact details  
    You probably already have some information about your customers and contacts that you can use for segmentation purposes. Their country/city, their gender, or their age? Are they parents or pet owners? The data that you have will help you to group your subscribers accordingly and send content or promotions that might be relevant to one particular group and not another.  
    What if your information about your contacts is not enough? You’d better send out a campaign, requesting your subscribers to update their contact information, as well as add new fields to your sign-up form.
  2. Engagement  
    Start paying attention on how how your contacts engage with your emails. This is another efficient way to create more targeted contact lists using segmentation. If some subscribers constantly open your emails and take the action you want them to, you can classify these contacts as  “Active Users”. But, you may have others who only read your emails occasionally or perhaps not at all — “Less Active” or “Inactive” users. Create relevant campaigns for each segment, one focusing on retention and the other focusing on generating interest.  
    With, you don’t need to open every email report to determine your contact’s level of engagement. Contacts can be segmented with the help of automation tool.
  3. Interests  
    Another way to group your contacts is by shared interests. This will help you while creating messages that speak directly to what they care about.  
    Again, if you do not have enough data on your contact’s interests, you can augment these segmented subscriber lists by placing distinct sign-up forms on pages of your website that address a specific topic, so visitors can self select which communications they prefer to receive.


At first sight, segmenting may seem complicated and time-consuming, but not with email marketing tools.

No matter how much, or how little information you have about your contacts, you can create segments to send more personalized emails. With, segmenting is an automated process. Creating lists, or multiple segments is just a matter of a few clicks. Your job is to pair the right content with your segments.

No one likes receiving emails or being targeted with marketing campaigns that are of no value to them. But with smart and thought-over email marketing segmentation, your emails will generate the desired interest and action when they are relevant to your contacts.

Hayk Hayrapetyan avatar
Hayk Hayrapetyan

Hayk Hayrapetyan, the founder and CEO of Wooxy, shares his insights and expertise on a variety of topics. With a wealth of experience and a clear vision, Hayk provides valuable guidance on marketing strategies, operating a successful bootstrapped startup, team management, and product management.
