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Hayk Hayrapetyan
October 18, 2018
Four Steps to Master Email Marketing

Four Steps to Check and Mate in Email Marketing

Playing a game, where the target is constantly moving can be challenging. So is creating email: rules here change before you even find out about them. To help the email marketers win the game, pulled out some tips to quickly improve your email program.


1. Clean your list

We keep insisting that purchased or rented email lists can do more harm rather than help. Before buying a list, ask yourself whether it is worth it to risk your brand and sending reputation.

There are a lot safer ways to create opt-in list of email subscribers. Subscription prompt on your website or an opt-in field on your landing page are only a couple of them.


2. Polish your subject line and preheader text

Believe it or not, but you can boost engagement with a single subject line. Consider the following:

  • Keep it simple.
  • Try to personalize.
  • Try to create an instant dialogue, starting with a question, when possible.
  1. Optimize your CTA (Call To Action)
  • To decide on your CTA, you should think of the goal of your email and what exactly you want from your subscriber.
  • Do not overdo with your CTA placement. suggests to use one or two CTA buttons within your email.
  • Make sure your recipients get clear directions. Clear wording is the key.
  1. Rethink over the design: banner, buttons, colors and text readability.


3. Consider your Metrics

Your performance should be measured regularly and minor changes should be applied after each email.

  • OR (Open rates) – this will tell you how many recipients read your email. The open rate will tell you whether your subject line was successful.
  • CR (Click rates) – this is when someone opens and clicks on a hyperlink.  The well-thought-over placement of CTA, content and design will lead to high CR.
  • Unsubscribes – these occur when a recipient opens your email and decides they don’t want to receive your emails anymore. Update your list as quickly as possible. Automatic removal of unsubscribed contacts from the list – the best solution for keeping your list clean and up to date.
  • Feedback loops show those, who marked your email as junk with this data. This will also help you keep your list clean.

Wooxy Email Marketing specialists always share their experience and best practices with you, and are always open to help out our customers.

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Hayk Hayrapetyan

Hayk Hayrapetyan, the founder and CEO of Wooxy, shares his insights and expertise on a variety of topics. With a wealth of experience and a clear vision, Hayk provides valuable guidance on marketing strategies, operating a successful bootstrapped startup, team management, and product management.
