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Alla Chernenko
January 28, 2024
Google and Yahoo New Email Sender Requirements 2024

Google and Yahoo New Email Sender Requirements 2024

Starting in February 2024, Google and Yahoo will require bulk senders to authenticate their emails, allow easy unsubscription, and stay under a reported spam threshold.

Why it’s important

Many mass email senders don’t set up their systems properly yet, making it easy for attackers to hide. To address this issue, Google and Yahoo are concentrating on an essential part of email security: confirming that the person or company sending the email is who they say they are. Despite how simple it might seem, it can be challenging to figure out the real sender of an email due to outdated and inconsistent systems on the internet.

Google Email Sender Requirements

Starting February 1, 2024, senders who send more than 5,000 messages per day to Gmail accounts must meet the requirements below.

  • Set up SPF and DKIM email authentication for your domain.

    • Implement both SPF & DKIM
    • Publish a valid DMARC policy with at least p=none – DMARC must pass.
  • Support easy unsubscribe

    • Implement a functioning list-unsubscribe header, which supports one-click unsubscribe for marketing and subscribed messages
    • Have a clearly visible unsubscribe link in the email body – this may direct to a preference page.
    • Honor unsubscribes within 2 days.
  • Keep spam complaint rates low

    • Keep your spam rate below 0.3%
  • Have a valid forward and reverse DNS record for your sending IPs

You can check all Yahoo requirements in the Sender Requirements & Recommendations.

What do I need to do with email authentication?

We see that Google and Yahoo put forward similar requirements for all email senders.

If you are a Wooxy client, you have nothing to worry about. You don’t need to do anything. All Wooxy clients have the highest authentication and protection level from the first sending day.

If you are not a Wooxy client, you can contact our team. We will be happy to help you send your newsletters safely and without unnecessary hassle.

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Alla Chernenko

Alla Chernenko is a marketing professional with a broad spectrum of experience in global projects. Her extensive knowledge and unique insights shine through in her contributions to the Wooxy blog. She offers valuable content for readers, keeping them updated on the latest marketing trends and strategies.
