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Hayk Hayrapetyan
October 25, 2018
Delivery Guarantees in Email Marketing

Is Delivery Ever Guaranteed?

What do businesses need to take to maximize their Email Deliverability?

According to ReturnPath’s 2015 Email Deliverability Benchmark Report, 21% of opt-in emails never make it to the inbox. I.e. if you have a list of one million subscribers and 21% of your emails to those recipients go undelivered, then 210,000 people were left waiting for your email that never arrived. Thus, increasing the reliability of your email communication is an utmost necessity. is always there to help. But before discussing the steps, let us find out what Email Deliverability is in general.

When your message reaches your recipient’s inbox – that’s successful Email Deliverability! On the other hand, Email deliverability fails when your message is either routed to the junk/bulk folder or blocked by an ISP (Internet Service Provider). And it is in your power not to let it happen.


Step 1: Infrastructure

Not every business, especially with high sending volumes, can afford their messages to get blocked for several hours or days. Here you have two choices: either you need dedicated staff who understand the ins and outs of email to monitor your email program, or you can turn to an email service provider like that can take care of everything for you. By everything mean:

  • Using dedicated IP addresses
  • Secure your servers from potential threats and spammers
  • Sign up for ISP feedback loops
  • Make sure that your sending domain is able to receive mail.


Step 2: Reputation

Remember: A strong sending reputation, like a great brand or personal reputation, is built over time.

The basis of strong sending and brand reputation is sending quality email, that your subscribers want to receive. This formula is the key to your strong reputation: clear opt-in + proper HTML formatting and design + consistent sending volume.


Step 3: Authentication

Authenticating your email streams helps ISPs to further differentiate your business from spammers and other illegitimate senders. It is an “ID check” for your mail streams, which validates that the email is actually from you, and not some spammer impersonating you. There are two main methods of authentication that you should implement:

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Hayk Hayrapetyan

Hayk Hayrapetyan, the founder and CEO of Wooxy, shares his insights and expertise on a variety of topics. With a wealth of experience and a clear vision, Hayk provides valuable guidance on marketing strategies, operating a successful bootstrapped startup, team management, and product management.
