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Hayk Hayrapetyan
March 23, 2019
Integrations for Powerful Email Marketing

The most efficient integrations for powerful email marketing

When a customer signs up to receive your emails, you get a lot of valuable information, such as the name, email address, location, gender, purchase history, and much more.

You can use this information to segment your contact lists, trigger automated email series, or dynamically change the content of your email according to the interests and behavior of different clients. This in its turn,  increases the success of your email marketing, and drive revenue for your business.


Email marketing, however, can’t be used as an isolated tool. Your marketing efforts won’t be successful until you properly integrate email marketing into as many inbound marketing campaigns as possible.

Email marketing initiatives integrated with other marketing channels will build a unique marketing experience for your customers.

Here are some tools that might help when combined with strategic planning:


eCommerce Tools

If you run an online store, usually your customer data is stored on your ecommerce platform. Integrate it into your email marketing to use this valuable information for driving more revenue:

  • Segment your audience to send more relevant campaigns.
  • Send review request email campaigns.
  • Send birthday and anniversary emails.
  • Send subscription reminder emails.

You can set up a series of reminder emails that automatically go out to customers leading up to their subscription expiry date.


CRM (customer relationship management) systems

If you aim at converting customers, a CRM system can manage your relationships with them:

  • Setup automated lead nurturing emails.
  • Use lead nurturing emails to send content to potential customers, educating them on the benefits of your product and automatically nurturing them through the buying cycle.
  • Target prospects by stage – segment your prospects by their customer lifecycle stage, and send highly relevant campaigns to close the deal.
  • Offer special deals, discounts, educational and other useful content.  
  • Send upsell emails. These especially come handy during the holidays or year-end sales.


Social Media tools

Add social share and follow buttons to your emails templates to expand the visibility of your content and your brand and increase the opportunity to generate new leads. Integrating your social media with your email campaigns allows you to send targeted emails to your customers who reach out on different social media platforms.



Make your customers aware of your amazing content and give them a solid reason to sign up for your mailing list by sending blog post announcements.

Integrating your blog with your email tool, can attract new subscribers to your blog and give you an additional opportunity to convert them into leads.


Accounting and billing tools

Your accounting program is a wealth of information, detailing who bought what, and for how much. This information is incredibly valuable in your email marketing platform, and by integrating the two tools you can send special offers or rewards to your most valuable customers, and discounts and promotions to your lower value customers.

Once you integrate your business apps with your email marketing software, your email marketing campaigns will become more compelling, which in its turn, will drive more revenue.

Hayk Hayrapetyan avatar
Hayk Hayrapetyan

Hayk Hayrapetyan, the founder and CEO of Wooxy, shares his insights and expertise on a variety of topics. With a wealth of experience and a clear vision, Hayk provides valuable guidance on marketing strategies, operating a successful bootstrapped startup, team management, and product management.
