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Hayk Hayrapetyan
February 11, 2019
Valentine Email Tips

Five Valentine Email tips. Show some love to your customers

Valentine’s Day is coming up. Do not miss out on some serious love from your customers.

Here at, we know how a warm email can show your customers some love and encourage them to do business with you. Having analyzed a bunch of Valentine’s Day newsletters, here are some tips to help you have a lovely and profitable Valentine’s Day 2019. 

1. Timing. If you are sending an awesome email offer a day before Valentine’s Day, but the shipping will take 3 days, it becomes pointless to buy it online, and your customers will have to look for other gifts. Wooxy Marketers suggest six to seven days before February 14 as the best time to launch your campaign.

2. Subject Line. “Happy Valentine’s Day” is the most common, so you’ll need think of something a little more original. Offering help with Valentine’s gift can draw more attention. For example, a subject line “Need Help this Valentines? 5 Perfect Gifts for Her” can be a lifesaver for men, who usually have difficulties with choosing gifts for their love.

3. Design. Obviously most of Valentine’s email will be painted in red or pink. Try to be more creative, after all, the romance can be created with catchy headlines, happy faces, and much more. Another Wooxy blog post shows a number of great resources for free high quality images for hundreds of occasions.

4. Sense of Urgency. If you just remind your subscribers about the chaos they’ll experience in the shopping centers and the waist of time spent there, they’ll prefer to convert in your online shop sooner.

5. Gender Segmentation. Dividing your campaign into “For Her” and “For Him” will help you send the perfect Valentine’s Day message to the perfect person.


Bonus tip: make sure that your first campaign is sent out no later than Feb. 7th and that you follow up regularly before the 14th. Optimally, you can send about 4 emails in that week leading up to Valentine’s Day.

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Hayk Hayrapetyan

Hayk Hayrapetyan, the founder and CEO of Wooxy, shares his insights and expertise on a variety of topics. With a wealth of experience and a clear vision, Hayk provides valuable guidance on marketing strategies, operating a successful bootstrapped startup, team management, and product management.
