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Mary Haroutunian
January 20, 2023
Importance of Birthday Email Templates

Importance of Birthday Email Templates

A top priority of every company is to make their customers feel valued. And when is that special time to show your appreciation if it’s not their birthday? 

Sending birthday wishes to your customer is not only a nice gesture but also an incredible way to boost your customer retention. A study by Experian revealed that compared to promotional emails, birthday emails gained 481% higher transactions and 179% higher unique click rates. Therefore, it’s self-evident that this practice should become habitual for companies to achieve their business goals.

So, let’s unlock the secret beyond powerful birthday email templates, discover the birthday email best practices and see how you can get the most out of it all. 

How do you wish a Happy Birthday in your email?

Your key focus should be to build an emotional connection with your customers and put smiles on their faces. But how can you outshine them when their inboxes are flooded with many celebratory messages? Here are some best practices/tips to have in mind when crafting your birthday email templates:

Pick a catchy subject line 

This is one of the essential steps when crafting a birthday email. If you don’t grab their attention as soon as they see it in the inbox, all your efforts will be a moot point. Try out different subject lines with split testing to discover which one performs better. You may also include celebratory elements with emojis to jazz up your subject line a bit. For example, use birthday cakes, confetti, balloons, and party streamers to convey festive vibes.

Offer freebies and discounts

Throw a memorable party for your customer by offering them freebies or deals on your products or services. Though remember, the aim is to show your appreciation, so be sure your emails are not too sales-y and won’t come across as pushy. Your main focus is to offer them a present, not push them to make a purchase.

Personalize your email

Personalization is a powerful tool that has repeatedly proven to establish effective communication with your clients. Emails with personal touch show an incredibly high open rate and CTR. In addition, when your customer base is well-segmented, you can offer them a personalized gift or a discount based on their purchase history. This also ensures your email won’t get drowned in the sea of messages or be dreaded in the spam folder.

Make your email design pop

Your gift may lose its appeal if poorly packaged, so a colorful, cheerful design is absolutely a must. Aim your creative input into your email design and a catchy copy. In addition, pay extra attention to the CTA. Think outside the box when crafting it, don’t go with traditional “claim now” or “redeem now” CTAs.

Timing is crucial

It makes sense to send birthday wishes on an actual day, but what about the emails that won’t get opened? Should you give up? Of course, no! Experian, in fact, revealed that a follow-up birthday reminder could increase your CTR and purchases by up to 20% as opposed to a single email campaign. So, setting up an email sequence will increase the chance of getting noticed. Coming up, we’ll discuss when it’s the ideal time to send your follow-up emails.

Count on the marketing automation platform to send follow-up emails. Read on to unveil how to automate your birthday email templates.


1. Send Best Wishes on your Customer’s Birthday

Your customer’s date of birth is a trigger to start the whole workflow on the automation platform. The workflow includes ready-made templates that are 100 % customizable to reflect your brand better. 


It is necessary to incorporate your branding but don’t forget to include certain celebratory elements to liven up your email. Here is what you can offer on their birthday:

  • A special gift
  • Gift card
  • Discount Coupons
  • Free shipping of the product
  • Rewards and more

Even if you don’t send a special offer, readers will appreciate your message as long as you come off as genuine.


Integrating an omnichannel approach into your business objective is necessary to involve other communication methods too. Along with emails, the Wooxy automation platform does offer to include SMS, web-push, and telegram messages which increases the likelihood that your message will be opened. However, just In case your email gets unnoticed, that’s where the follow-up email sequence will be in action.

2. A follow-up reminder

A reminder email will ensure that your discount offer or gift will eventually be opened. Set up a filter in your workflow to wait three days and then send an email reminder to claim the offer.

After a big day celebration, customers’ inboxes are pretty much relaxed, and the chances that you will get noticed will be higher. In this case, your gift will also come across as more appealing and memorable when other offers are pretty much minimized.

Here too, include other communication methods along with emails such as SMS, telegram, and web-push; just make sure not to overuse them. For instance, a web-push notification will be sent in this predetermined workflow, which you can download from our Marketplace.


3. “Last Chance” Reminder

Don’t simply give up; you still have a chance to convince your customers to open their special offer. Remember that, as previously mentioned, a follow-up email reminder increases the CTR and conversion rates by 20%.

Wait four days, and send a last-chance reminder. Use FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), such as adding an expiration date and encouraging them to act quickly.  


How to obtain your customer’s date of birth?

If you don’t know your customer’s birthday, there are still ways to obtain this data.

The date of birth is collected when a user fills out the signup form. This can be both optional and mandatory. In addition to the sign-up form, here are other ways this info can be legally collected.

  • Inserting a field in the newsletter subscription form
  • Sending an email request encouraging them to fill out the date of birth 

Wrapping up

  1. Birthday email templates are an incredible way to increase your customer engagement and loyalty. 
  2. Birthday Freebies and Offers increase the Open, CTR, and Conversion Rates.
  3. Marketing automation helps you send multiple reminders to ensure your birthday gift/deal reaches its addressee. 
Mary Haroutunian avatar
Mary Haroutunian

Meet Mary Haroutunian, a seasoned marketing content writer creating insightful blog posts for With a diverse background in content writing, project management, and SEO, she brings a unique perspective to her work. Mary's extensive experience and profound understanding of digital marketing make her publications a valuable resource for marketers worldwide.
