October 5, 2018


Tags are labels you create to bring your reporting structure into Wooxy and get aggregated reports based on criteria only you know. Tags are highly customizable, so you can create and assign them as you see fit. 

Things to know before you start:

  • Tag Length: Maximum 30 characters.
  • Allowed Characters: Letters, numbers, periods, dashes, and underscores. Tags starting with an underscore are reserved for internal use and will not work.
  • Uniqueness: Tags must be unique and rarely changed.
  • Tag Creation: Create tags in the relevant section, or else, the system will ignore them. 
  • Default tags: Wooxy automatically tags your messages with the title of campaign/split test/automation.
  • Reports: Avoid selecting two tags for one message in the same report to prevent duplicate and inaccurate data.
  • Additional Tags: You can purchase additional tags if needed.
  • Billing Cycle: Additional tag packages are billed upon purchase and synchronized with your current subscription cycle.
  • Refund Policy: Тag purchases are non-refundable if you later reduce the number of tags or cancel the add-on.

Filter Tags in the following reports of the Analytics section:

How tags work

You can tag messages using various features available within the Wooxy platform, including but not limited to Templates and Auditory Segments.

This tagging functionality enables you to generate comprehensive analytical reports that track message performance across different time intervals:

  • Hourly breakdowns for real-time monitoring.
  • Daily summaries for tactical adjustments.
  • Monthly aggregated reports for strategic planning.

These detailed reports compile and analyze all messages associated with your chosen tags, providing valuable insights into message performance and engagement patterns.

Each user has a basic tag package that depends on their subscription plan.

You can expand the number of available tags by purchasing additional packages of 20, 30, 40, or 50 tags.

Create a Tag

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Navigate to the Tags Management Page (Menu->Components->Tags).

  • Click the “Create” button.

  • Enter the Tag name and description.

  • Click the “Save” button.

How to Purchase Additional Tags

  • Go to the Add-ons. (Menu->Apps and Add-ons).

  •  Locate and open the card with tags.

  • Use the slider to adjust the desired number of tags.

    The section below will display the following information:

    • Included: the number of tags included in your subscription plan.
    • Extra: the number of additional tags purchased.
    • Total amount:  the total number of tags (Included + Extra).
    • Price for extra: The monthly cost of the selected additional tags. The final price may vary based on the purchase period, promo codes, and quantity
  • After adjusting the tag count, click the “Update” button.

  • Review the selected tag capacity and price details in the Summary pop-up window. Confirm the payment by clicking the "Confirm" button.

  • After successful payment, the system will instantly update your tag capacity.

Reducing Tag Count

If you want to reduce the number of additional tags:

  • Go to the page via Apps and Add-ons

  • Use the slider to select a lower tag count.

  • If your current tag usage exceeds the selected capacity:

    • The system will prompt you to delete unused tags.
    • Remove unnecessary tags to proceed.
  • Confirm the changes to reduce your tag count. Payment for the new tag count will be charged immediately upon confirmation.

Note: Funds for previously purchased tags will not be refunded.

Cancelling Additional Tags

To revert to the default tags without any add-ons:

  • Set the slider to 0 additional tags.

  • Follow the steps to confirm the cancellation.

    The system will:

    • Revert your tag capacity to default tags.
    • Stop charging for additional tags in the next billing cycle.

Note: Funds for previously purchased tags will not be refunded.

How to tag messages using different features of the Wooxy platform

  • Tag Template
    Icon caret
    1. Navigate to the “Templates” page in the “Content” section.
    2. Select the “Manage tags” option from the “More” drop-down menu.
    3. Select up to 3 tags and click the “Save” button.
  • Tag Contact List
    Icon caret
    1. Navigate to the “Lists” page in the “Audience” section.
    2. Select the “Manage tags” option from the “List Settings” drop-down menu.
    3. Select up to 3 tags and click the “Save” button.
  • Tag Segment
    Icon caret
    1. Navigate to the “Segments” page in the “Audience” section.
    2. Select the “Manage tags” option from the “Segment settings” drop-down menu.
    3. Select up to 3 tags and click the “Save” button.
  • Tag Campaign
    Icon caret
    1. Navigate to the “Email Campaigns”/ “WebPush Campaigns”/ “Telegram Campaigns” page in the “Outbound” section.
    2. Select the “Manage tags” option from the “Actions” drop-down menu.
    3. Select up to 3 tags and click the “Save” button.

    Tag Campaign during the creation process

    1. Click the “Add New Campaign” button.
    2. Set up all standard settings.
    3. Navigate to “Advanced settings”
    4. Select up to 3 tags and click the “Save and Preview“ button.
  • Tag Split Test
    Icon caret
    1. Navigate to the “Split Tests” page in the “Outbound” section.
    2. Select the “Manage tags” option from the “Actions” drop-down menu.
    3. Select up to 3 tags and click the “Save” button.

    Tag Split Test during the creation process

    1. Click the “Create New Split Test” button.
    2. Set up all standard settings.
    3. Navigate to “Advanced settings”.
    4. Select up to 3 tags and click the “Save and Preview“ button.