September 24, 2018

Subscribe/Unsubscribe a User

To receive messages, your users should be subscribed to the corresponding channels in your Contact List, otherwise, they will be ignored during bulk Campaigns and by Automations.

There are several options for how you can Subscribe/Unsubscribe a contact.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe the contact to one of the channels in the admin panel.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Navigate to the Contact List Management page (Menu -> Audience -> Lists).

  • Enter the Contact List by pressing on its name.

  • Select a contact by placing the check mark next to the contact row.

  • Pick the corresponding option from the action bar:

    • Activate/Deactivate contact.
    • Subscribe/Unsubscribe Email.
    • Subscribe/Unsubscribe SMS.
    • Subscribe/Unsubscribe desktop Web Push.
      IMPORTANT: The notifications are visible only on desktop devices in the browser. The contact must give permission to receive notifications. If the contact declined to receive the notifications, you will see a cross mark in front of the contact’s name.
    • Subscribe/Unsubscribe mobile Web Push.
      IMPORTANT: The notifications are visible on mobile devices. The contact must give permission to receive notifications. If the contact declined to receive the notifications, you will see a cross mark in front of the contact’s name.
    • Subscribe/Unsubscribe Telegram.
    • Subscribe/Unsubscribe Viber.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe using the contact’s profile

Each customer added to the Default Contact List obtains a personal profile where you can view all available data about this person.

Go to the Profile page in the Audience section (Menu -> Audience -> Profiles). Use the search form, specifying one of the unique identifiers (userId| email | phoneNumber). 

Channels management. This part of the profile can show you which channels the contact is subscribed to. 

IMPORTANT: We do not recommend subscribing contacts to channels without their consent and resubscribing to the channels they already unsubscribed. It will negatively affect the reputation of the domain due to complaints.

You can manage the statuses of the contact in the menu under the vertical dots. The functionality allows to:

  • Activate the contact – allows the contact to receive messages from the subscribed channels.
  • Deactivate the contact – disables the contact, which means no message will be sent to that user.

The subscription status will be displayed next to the contact’s avatar. You can Subscribe/Unsubscribe a contact by clicking on the dot below the respective channel.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe several contacts by importing a .CSV or .XLS file

  • Prepare the file for the import. The best choice is to download one of our .CSV sample or .XLS sample, and replace the sample variables and their values with your own data.

  • Add the following headers in your import file:

    • active – specifies if the user is activated/deactivated in the Contact List.
    • emailSubscribe – specifies whether the contact is subscribed or unsubscribed to the Email channel.
    • smsSubscribe – specifies whether the contact is subscribed or unsubscribed to SMS channel.
    • desktopWebPush – specifies whether the contact is subscribed or unsubscribed to Web Push channel (desktop).
    • mobileWebPush – specifies whether the contact is subscribed or unsubscribed to Web Push channel (mobile).
    • telegramSubscribe – specifies whether the contact is subscribed or unsubscribed to Telegram channel.
    • viberSubscribe – specifies whether the contact is subscribed or unsubscribed to Viber channel.
  • Add value “1” to the contacts you want to subscribe, and value “0” to the ones you want to unsubscribe.

  • To import the file to Wooxy follow the steps listed in our article “Add / Import Contacts to Your Existing Contact List”.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe contacts via API

To manage the contact status via API, please get acquainted with our documentation.