May 19, 2022

Zapier Integration

Zapier is an online tool that is used to connect hundreds of third party apps and services to Wooxy to automate your marketing strategy. 

With this integration you can send triggered Email, SMS, Push and Messenger notifications. Any new contacts created on your landing page, CRM, website, etc (“trigger”) can be automatically synchronized and added to your Wooxy list (“action”), and much more.

Things to know before you start:

  • A trigger in Zapier is defined as something that happens in an app that you want to be the start of a Zap’s workflow.
  • An action in Zapier is defined as something your Zap does after a trigger occurs.
  • IMPORTANT User identificator (userId| email | phoneNumber) is required.
  • Log into your Zapier account before you start an integration with the Wooxy platform.

Start your integration


Step-by-step instructions:

  • Navigate to the Integrations page (Menu -> Integrations).

  • Select the “Zapier” integration.

  • Click the “Connect” button. You will be moved to the Zapier platform.

  • Click on the “Accept invite & Build a Zap” button.


How to set up a Zap

In the example below, we will create a sample Zap that triggers when a new contact is added to a list in Google sheets

Click the “+Create Zap” button.




Step-by-step instructions:

  • Choose an app & event. Click on the Google Sheets option. This will be the trigger for your Zap.

    • You can use search to find an app that you need.
  • Choose the “New or updated spreadsheet row” option.

  • Click the “Continue” button.

  • Choose an account.

    • If it is necessary log into your account in another service.
  • Click the “Continue” button.

  • Set up trigger

  • Choose Spreadsheet.

  • Choose Worksheet.

  • Choose Trigger Column.

    • Trigger on changes to cells in this column only. Leave this field blank if you want the Zap to trigger on changes to any cell within the row.
    • NOTE: All new rows will trigger the Zap even if the Trigger column is empty. Add a Filter step to stop the Zap from continuing if this column is empty in a new row.
  • Click to continue and Test your trigger.


Step 2. ACTION


Step-by-step instructions:

  • Use the search option to find and connect your Wooxy account.

  • Choose an Action Event.

    • For example: “Add/Update Contact Data”.
  • Click the “Continue” button.

  • Link your Wooxy account with an API key.

    • A modal popup will appear. Paste your Wooxy API Key into the field provided to link the platforms. Then click the “Yes, Continue” button.
    • The API Key is personalized. You can find it in your Wooxy account’s settings.
    • The Wooxy API credentials will be added to Zapier.
    • NOTE: This action is only required when you process the integration for the first time. The Zapier platform will remember all the necessary data.
  • Click the “Continue” button.

  • Set up action

  • Select Domain.

  • You can set if the contact should be added to the list if it does not exist at the time of the request.

    • Contact – The unique user identificator of the contact you want to be updated. IMPORTANT: User identificator ( userId| email | phoneNumber ) is required.
  • Map fields using the dropdowns provided.

  • Click the “Continue” button when finished.



  • Zapier will prompt you to test the trigger as part of the setup. Click the “Test trigger” button. Once the test is complete, click the “Continue” button.

  • When finished, click the “Publish Zap” and “Publish & Turn on” buttons.

Supported actions by Wooxy:

Add\Update contact dataAdd a contact or update the contact`s data in the Contact List
Remove contactRemove the contact from the Contact List
Fire eventAdd a new user behavior event to Wooxy
Send EmailSend a transactional Email message
Send SMSSend a transactional SMS message
Send Telegram messageSend a transactional Telegram message
Send WebPushSend a transactional WebPush message
Send triggered EmailSend a new triggered Email with a template saved in your Wooxy account
Send triggered SMSSend a new triggered SMS with a template saved in your Wooxy account
Send triggered Telegram messageSend a new triggered Telegram message with a template saved in your Wooxy account
Send triggered WebPushSend a new triggered WebPush notification with a template saved in your Wooxy account