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January 12, 2022

How to set an avatar for a Telegram bot

The face of the Telegram channel is definitely an avatar that needs to be created. It is the visual component that is able to combine all three aspects (name, description, logo) into a single whole. Subscribers will associate the channel with the image on the logo, so the choice of the image should be taken seriously.

All avatars, both for users or bots, and for channels, in telegram are round. Of course, the image chosen as a logo can be square or rectangular, but in the end, it will still be inscribed in a circle. Therefore, this nuance should be taken into account.

Some channel owners use an image with text as a logo. This option is not desirable. The text is perceived as more difficult than the picture, and the text on the logo is doubly so.

Make the logo unique and aesthetically pleasing on your channel.

To set an avatar for a bot in Telegram, follow these steps:

  • Send the /setuserpic command to the bot responsible for creating other bots @BotFather.

  • If you have 2 or more bots, you will need to choose which of them you want to add an avatar.

  • Send an image to the dialog that will be set as an avatar.

  • Image requirements:

    • the file must be in jpg, jpeg, bmp or png format;
    • the picture should be square,  its width and height must be the same;
    • the default avatar size is 500×500 pixels;
    • minimum size 300 x 300 pixels;
    • the file must be uploaded exactly as a Photo, and not a simple File – there is such a “selector” in Telegram.

Picture tips for an avatar:

  • Upload only high quality pictures or photos;

  • The ideal option is to set up a real photo. Or a logo if you represent a company;

  • Don’t choose a large, heavy image. The messenger will not be able to process it and, as a result, will greatly reduce it. Some elements may become illegible and unreadable;

  • Preference should be given to bright photos. This is easy to explain: when a user has a lot of chats, it becomes more difficult to quickly find the right person.