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January 13, 2020

Web Push Settings

The process of implementing web push notifications is fairly straightforward: you will need to upload to your website a few lines of code to activate the feature.

We strongly recommend using HTTPS, as browsers may block notifications from domains using HTTP protocol. 

If you are not sure whether the website is on http or on https, please ask your website administrator about it or contact our customer support.

Step-by-step installation guide:

  • Go to the Web Push Settings Management page (Menu -> Settings -> Integration-> JS Code)

  • Click “+Add new website” button

  • Select the domain name in the header drop-down menu

  • Select a “contact list”

  • Select options and permission from checkboxes:

    • WebPush Notification. Simple messages you can send to your users in real-time once they have agreed to subscribe to them.
    • Contact create. You can create new contacts in contact list.
    • Contact update. You can update data already contacts added.
  • Click the “Save” button

  • In the tab that opens, copy the code and paste it on the desired page into the <body> of your HTML. 
    You can place the same code on several pages – then all the subscribers will be collected in a common list. IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that at least one unique user identificator is required so Wooxy could match the user with the one hosted in Contact List. Use placeholder to pass the identificator through.

  • Download the installation file. IMPORTANT: Upload it to the top level directory of your site.

  • Or you can email all the settings to your Developer.

After inserting the code on your site, go to Web Push Settings Management page and click on the Check link status button:

  • If the status “Site is not connected” is displayed, it is necessary to check the applied settings once again.

  • If the status “Your site is connected” is displayed, you will be able to collect the database of new subscribers for Web Push notifications.

Using raw device tokens for targeting specific devices is not the most reliable way, because FCM push tokens tend to change from time to time, and it’s hard to tell how often it occurs.