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Hayk Hayrapetyan
May 26, 2020
Retention Marketing Automation

Retention Marketing Automation Delivers Spectacular ROI for iGaming Industr

While iGaming industry representatives hold a wealth of data, which is being enriched 24/7, they do not always use the entire retention marketing potential of that data, especially when it comes to communicating with their client base and retaining current customers. Probably because some of them still believe that gamers are too busy gaming to check email or pay attention to an sms. 

Another reason why most iGaming companies underestimate the efficiency of retention marketing is because they believe that retaining an existing customer may be less cost effective than attracting and converting a new one. So they prefer spending their marketing budget on finding new customers rather than keeping their current customers playing.

Whereas keeping your current customers happy and playing your game is the most cost effective way to enable your business and profits to grow in a sustainable way. Client retention must play a crucial role in your marketing strategy if you want your gaming business to succeed.


Let me start with some convincing statistical numbers first:

  • A 60-70% chance of converting a sale with a current customer.
  • A 20-40% chance of conversion with a previous customer.
  • Only a 5-20% chance of conversion to a prospective customer.


  1.  Loyal customers are excellent generators of revenue and profit because they spend more than casual customers, they refer their friends to your product, and they cost less than finding new users. The automation of the personalized communication with your loyal users will help you to stay in their radar for 24/7. Which in its turn will make them feel appreciated and important.
  2. While it’s true gamers use social media a lot, when it comes to getting their attention with personalised offers, nothing beats a well-crafted email campaign, or a timely sent sms or push notification. Implementing a well-thought Client Retention Strategy in your iGaming business may significantly increase your customer loyalty and improve user retention.
  3. The gaming industry appeals to a broad demographic, across all genders and age. Gamers also have different preferences when it comes to choosing communication channels, message checking time and most importantly – the timeframe when they are ready to convert.
  4. Wisely-used multichannel retention marketing tools can crush the most ambitious monetization rates as well as considerably prolong the average lifecycle of the paying customer.


The platform allows the iGaming marketers to not only create efficient promotional campaigns for email, sms and web channels, but also to automate the multichannel drip campaigns based on the gamers behaviour on the website.


You have ALL the data to personalise retention marketing content.

You are in a fortunate position that your customers are engaging directly with your product online so you are gathering a wealth of data that other industries would love. The segmentation and tagging of the subscriber should start from the very moment  they sign up. This will help you to create individual player personas and use their history and behaviour for crafting segmented and targeted automated campaigns.

This data plays a crucial role in personalising each and every email, sms and push notification, which in its turn makes the communication timely, hyper-relevant and converting.

Hayk Hayrapetyan avatar
Hayk Hayrapetyan

Hayk Hayrapetyan, the founder and CEO of Wooxy, shares his insights and expertise on a variety of topics. With a wealth of experience and a clear vision, Hayk provides valuable guidance on marketing strategies, operating a successful bootstrapped startup, team management, and product management.
