November 26, 2018
Campaigns Report
Once you send a campaign, you can view statistics related to that campaign. Campaigns Report makes it very easy to view your sends, clicks and opens.

To open Overview Report:
Navigate to Campaigns page (Menu -> Analytics -> Campaigns).
Filter necessary data by Tags, Domains, Date period options.
Click “Download XLS Report” Button.
Report filters
Filter | Description |
Tags | You tag messages using different features in Wooxy platform (for example: templates, auditory segments, etc.) to get hourly/daily/monthly aggregated reports for all messages with such tag. |
Domains | Domain name used in “From” email address of your messages. If you have several domains in one account, you can filter report for only one specific domain. |
Date period | Select specific period of time to generate Report only with data from that dates. |
Overview Statistics
Dashboard | Component | Description |
Deliverability | Here you can find the answer whether or not ESPs accept your email – can the message physically be accepted. Click the desired date to view the detailed report in the drop-down box. | |
Delivered | The Delivered status is assigned as soon as Wooxy sent the message and it was accepted by the recipient ISP server. | |
Delivery rate | Percentage of Delivered messages from total sent. | |
Hard bounces | The time and hard-bounce code received from the ISP. A hard bounce indicates a permanent reason why an email cannot be delivered. Hard bounced email addresses are immediately automatically placed in your account’s BlackList to prevent degradation of your domains reputation. | |
Hard bounce rate | Percentage of Hard bounced emails from total sent. | |
Soft bounces | Soft bounces typically indicate a temporary delivery issue to an address. Wooxy will automatically try to resend the message during 3 days. When the message is delivered the status will change to Delivered. | |
Soft bounce rate | Percentage of Soft bounced emails from total sent. | |
Rejects | Email address is already in our blacklist and Wooxy rejects to send message to it. | |
Reject rate | Percentage of messages with reject status from total sent. | |
Opens | Open tracking tells you if your contacts open the emails you send. Your campaign report will show how many contacts opened your email on certain date, and how many total opens you received. Open tracking can help measure subscriber engagement. | |
Total opens | Total number of times the campaign was opened by recipients. This count includes multiple opens from individual recipients. | |
Unique opens | Number of recipients that opened the campaign any number of times. | |
Open rate | The open rate is a percentage that tells you how many successfully delivered campaigns were opened by subscribers. To find this out, Wooxy loads a tiny, transparent image into each campaign, and counts how often the image is loaded among the delivered campaigns. The image is invisible to your subscribers. | |
Clicks | Click tracking allows you to see if contacts have clicked links in your campaign. Your campaign report will show which contacts clicked your links, and how many times each link was clicked. Like open tracking, it can help measure subscriber engagement. | |
Total clicks | Total number of times any tracked link was clicked. This count includes multiple clicks from individual recipients. | |
Unique clicks | Number of recipients who clicked any tracked link. Click this number in your report to open a list of subscribers who clicked. | |
Click rate | Percentage of total recipients who clicked any tracked link in the campaign. The click rate is a percentage that tells you how many successfully delivered campaigns registered at least one click. | |
Clicks to Open | Clicks to open rate | Percentage of recipients who opened your campaign and then clicked a link. |
Unique clicks to opens rate | Percentage of unique recipients who opened your campaign and then clicked a link. | |
Complaints | Wooxy tracks abuse reports, also known as spam reports or complaints. | |
Complaints | Number of recipients that reported your email as spam. Subscribers that report a campaign as spam are automatically placed in your account’s Blacklist. | |
Complaint rate | Percentage of recipients who reported spam from total Delivered. | |
Unsubscribe | When subscriber clicks an unsubscribe link or requests to be removed from an email list and further newsletter campaigns, it’s called an unsubscribe. | |
Unsubscribe | Total number of recipients who clicked unsubscribe link. | |
Unsubscribe rates | Percentage of recipients who unsubscribed from total Delivered. | |
Delivery trends | Hourly, Daily, Monthly Delivery trends of your account or specific type of emails. | |
Delivered by date | Total successfully delivered messages by date. | |
Hard bounces by date | Total hard-bounced messages by date. | |
Soft bounces by date | Total soft-bounced messages by date. | |
Rejects by date | Total rejected messages by date. | |
User reaction trends | Hourly, Daily, Monthly user engagement trends of your account or specific type of emails. | |
Total opens by date | Total number of times the campaign was opened by recipients by date. | |
Total clicks by date | Total number of times any tracked link was clicked by date. | |
Complaints by date | Number of recipients that reported your email as spam by date. |
IMPORTANT: If you filter date over 40 days, monthly breakdown will be activated and you can generate Reports by months.
IMPORTANT: If you filter only 1 day, hourly Report will be activated.