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January 12, 2022

Add contact manually

In this article, you will learn how to create or update the contact by manual data entry.

Things to know before you start:

  • If the userId| email | phoneNumber, which you provide in this form matches someone that already exists in your Contact List, his/her attributes will be updated to reflect those provided in this form.
  • In case there is no user with those attributes, a new contact will be created.
  • If you want to use Retention Report based on customer acquisition sources, you should add the contact with its source.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Select the Contact List domain from the drop-down menu (in the lower-left corner) if there are several domains in the account.

  • Navigate to the Contact List Management page (Menu -> Audience -> Lists).

  • Select a Contact List.

  • Click on the “Add Contacts” icon.

  • Select the “Add contact manually” section.

  • Fill in all input fields with valid contact’s data.

  • Mark a checkbox opposite “I have permission to add these persons to my list”. That means you have the contact’s permission to use their personal data.

  • Click the “Add contact” button.

Contact input fields

First nameThe optional display first name to use for the recipient.
Last nameThe optional display last name to use for the recipient.
EmailIt is one of the unique user identifiers. The email address of the contact. IMPORTANT: Check this field for anything that might cause syntax errors, like missing information, unsupported characters, and extra spaces before or after an address.
Phone NumberIt is one of the unique user identifiers. Contact’s phone number. IMPORTANT: should be valid E.164 phone number format.
User IDIt is one of the unique user identifiers. The userId from the customer’s platform that enables the manipulation of contacts based on it. 
Contact SourceA customer source determines how a customer got into the database. On this basis, you can search and filter the customer base.
CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost)Customer Acquisition Value in 'ENUM_STRING' format correspondingly. If not provided default value will be used from the registered Customer Acquisition Source.
CAC CurrencyCustomer Acquisition Currency: EUR or USD IMPORTANT: Please use only Latin uppercase format. No numbers or other symbols allowed. A default value will be used from the registered Customer Acquisition Source if not provided.
Additional variablesThis section appears when at least one custom variable is added for that particular Contact List. Select created custom variables for contacts segmentation and other features.