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December 17, 2018

Contact List Management

Your Contact List is designed to help you collect and manage all your contacts in one place.

People on your Contact List are known as contacts. Each contact has one email address, one phone number, and a user ID which are organized based on how they interact with your marketing. However, you need to further organize your Contact List.

Things to know before you start:

  • A subscribed contact, or a subscriber, is someone who gave consent to receive up-to-date information, advertising, and news from you through a specific channel. Subscribers can be added directly to your list via the import file feature, manually, added via API, and implement integrations with other available platforms in Wooxy. They’ll have a Subscribed badge in the contact column of your Contact List.
  • You can add as many custom variables to each contact as you need, without any limitations.
  • Once you’ve organized your customer data, you can start using Wooxy personalization and automation tools to make campaigns feel like a 1-to-1 conversation—sending the right message at the right moment and always making the right product recommendations.
  • With all your contact data in one place, it’s easy to use Wooxy segmentation tools to find exactly who you need to communicate with.

Step-by-step instructions:

Manage Contact List

  • Sort Contact Lists by name.

  • Search the Contact List by name and by ID.

  • The “List name” column displays all the Contact Lists you have.

  • The “Contacts” column displays the number of contacts in the Contact List.


Press the “Analytics” button to open the wide and detailed analytics of your Default Contact List. 

The report shows the performance of your Default Contact List and its key metrics.

Follow this link to get acquainted with the full description of the Default Contact List Analytics details and parameters.

Add contacts

Press the “Add contacts” button and you will be moved to the Import contacts page. 

Choose how you want to import contacts

The Contact List information

Press the “Info” button to get acquainted with the Contact List details:

  • The name of the Contact List along with its ID.

  • The date of creation of the Contact List.

  • Tags – the list of tags that are included in the Contact List.

Additional actions with the Contact List

By pressing the “More” button the following actions will be available:

  • Edit – select this option to change the Contact List settings. Press the “Custom variables” tab to delete the custom variables from your Contact List.

  • View segments – displays all the segments of the particular Contact List.

  • Export contacts – prepares the file in .CSV format with contacts and their details. You can download it in the Import/Export tab from the Activity section (Menu -> Activity -> Import/Export).

  • Tag management – add or delete the tags for the Contact List. Tags will help you in Analytics reports organizing. If you use the same Contact List for different mailing, tagging will help you track and review their performance in the aggregated report.

  • Delete –  remove the Contact List without a recovery option. NOTE: The Contact List could also be deleted by choosing the check mark next to the Contact List row. IMPORTANT: The Default Contact List cannot be deleted.

The Сontact List constituents

The Contact List’s name is clickable. Enter a Contact List by pressing on its name.
Here you can find all the contacts along with their detailed data:

  • The search field above the list of contacts may help you to find a certain contact by entering one of its identifiers (userId| email | phoneNumber).

  • The contact identifiers (userId| email | phoneNumber) are placed on the left side of the table.

  • The contact name is clickable. You will be guided to the contact’s profile page. 
    NOTE: The profiles are only available for the contacts from the Default Contact List.

  • The contact subscription/unsubscription statuses to all existing channels are displayed next to the contact identifiers.

  • You can change the width of the columns by dragging them using the handy tool in the form of double arrows.

  • Press the button in the column header to open the drop-down menu in case you want to pin/unpin the column (NOTE: Оnly for contact identifiers userId| email | phoneNumber), hide it, or copy the variable name.

  • Click here to learn more about available contact variables
    Icon caret
    DataDescription, and format requirements.
    customStringVariableFor the new Variable creation use only Latin letters in lowerCamelCase format, no numbers or other symbols are allowed. For value, no specific format is required.  
    lowerCamelCase is a naming convention in which a name is formed of multiple words that are joined together as a single word with the first letter of each of the multiple words (except the first one) capitalized within the new word that forms the name.
    customDateVariableFor the new Variable creation use only Latin letters in lowerCamelCase format, no numbers or other symbols are allowed. For value, the ISO Standard year-month-day format (YYYY-MM-DD) is required.

    Basic information


    The optional display name to use for the recipient. A recipient’s name appears in the “To” field, along with the email address.

    To: John Doe <john.doe@abc-xyz.com>

    Include the person’s name to make it look friendlier than the more technical-looking email address itself. 

    emailThe email address of the contact. You must include an email address column in your import file and only one email for each contact. IMPORTANT: Review this column for anything that might cause syntax errors, like missing information, unsupported characters, and extra spaces before or after an address.
    phoneNumberContact phone number. Should be a valid E.164 phone number. Avoid unnecessary spaces between numbers. You may include only one phone number for each contact.
    userIdThe user identity number from the customer’s platform to be able to manipulate lists based on it. Used as an alliance for the email address.
    firstNameContact’s first name.
    lastNameContact’s last name.
    contactBirthdayContact’s birth date in ENUM_DATE format.  
    The most common ISO Date Format is YYYY-MM-DD — for example, “2000-10-31”.
    contactLanguageContact’s locale in ISO 639-1 format.  
    ISO 639-1 is a standardized vocabulary used to classify languages, where each language is assigned a two-letter lowercase abbreviation.
    contactGenderContact’s gender in ISO/IEC 5218 format.  
    A language-neutral single-digit code that defines a representation of human sexes.
    0Not known
    9Not applicable
    contactTimezoneContact’s timezone in ISO 8601 format.
    contactScoreContact’s numerical value (or “score”). Each contact may be given a score representing where they are in their buyer’s journey. There aren’t any predefined scoring values. You should assign scores that are meaningful to you and help you accomplish your goals.
    avatarLinkLink to contact’s avatar image.


    activeUsed to specify if a contact is subscribed or unsubscribed from the Contact List. Use value “1” to subscribe user and value “0” to unsubscribe.
    emailSubscribeUsed to specify if a contact is subscribed or unsubscribed to the Email Channel. Use value “1” to subscribe user and value “0” to unsubscribe.
    smsSubscribeUsed to specify if a contact is subscribed or unsubscribed to the SMS Channel. Use value “1” to subscribe user and value “0” to unsubscribe.
    desktopWebPushSubscribeUsed to specify if a contact is subscribed or unsubscribed to the desktop Web Push Channel. Use value “1” to subscribe user and value “0” to unsubscribe.
    mobileWebPushSubscribeUsed to specify if a contact is subscribed or unsubscribed to the mobile Web Push Channel. Use value “1” to subscribe user and value “0” to unsubscribe.
    telegramSubscribeUsed to specify if a contact is subscribed or unsubscribed to the Telegram Channel. Use value “1” to subscribe user and value “0” to unsubscribe.
    viberSubscribeUsed to specify if a contact is subscribed or unsubscribed to the Viber Channel. Use value “1” to subscribe user and value “0” to unsubscribe.


    contactCreatedAtThis variable is reserved by the system to store the date when contact was first added to the Contact List.
    sourceNameCustomer Acquisition Source Name from your system to synchronize two sides. Should be registered in the Source section in the Wooxy admin panel.
    sourceIdCustomer Acquisition Source ID from Wooxy platform. Should be registered in the Source section in the Wooxy admin panel.
    customerSourceIdCustomer Acquisition Source ID from your system to synchronize two sides. Should be registered in the Source section in the Wooxy admin panel.
    CAC (Customer acquisition cost)The total cost of acquiring a new customer. It should generally include things like: advertising costs, the salary of your marketers, the costs of your salespeople, etc., divided by the number of customers acquired. The CAC variable is created automatically in the Contact List right after you import these two variables:



    Customer Acquisition Value in 'ENUM_STRING' format correspondingly. If not provided default value will be used from the registered Customer Acquisition Source.



    Customer Acquisition Currency: EUR or USD IMPORTANT: Please use only Latin uppercase format. No numbers or other symbols allowed. If not provided default value will be used from the registered Customer Acquisition Source.

    Social networks

    facebookLinkLink to contact’s Facebook profile.
    instagramLinkLink to contact’s Instagram profile.
    linkedInLinkLink to contact’s LinkedIn profile.
    twitterLinkLink to contact’s Twitter profile.
    tiktokLinkLink to contact’s TikTok profile.
    Custom variables

    Variables that are created for a specific Contact List.

    Priority is a case of conflicting variables:

    • First Priority: Variable from API request;
    • Second Priority: Variable from the Account Custom Variables;
    • Third Priority: Variable from the selected Contact List.

Contacts filtering bar (only for the Default Contact List)

Here you can group your contacts and create a segment or send a one-time Campaign to this group. Press the filter icon to open the filtering menu.

  • Set up the filters and conditions in the Group by selecting each from the drop-down menu. Press the “Search” button to see the result. 

  • Press the filter icon one more time to activate additional options:

  • Save the result of filtering by creating a new Segment.


  • Send a disposable Campaign to the contacts that matched the filtering conditions. NOTE: You can send a one-time Campaign without saving the selected contacts as a segment. 

  • Press the “Clear filter” button to cancel filtration and come back to the Contact List.

Contacts action bar

Mark the checkbox next to the contact to open the additional action bar for him.

  • NOTE: If you want to perform actions to all contacts in the Contact List – choose the “Select all contacts in a list” option (only for the Default Contact List). 

  • Status – activate or deactivate the contact by selecting the corresponding action from the drop-down menu.

  • Subscribe – activate the permission to get communication through a specific channel. NOTE: In order for the action to be performed successfully, the contact must have corresponding identifiers. IMPORTANT: You can manually subscribe your contact to the Web Push, Telegram, and Viber channels only if that contact has been subscribed to that channel earlier.

  • Unsubscribe – deactivate the permission to get communication through a specific channel.

  • Change variable value – Select a custom variable, and the new value will be applied to all selected contacts.

  • Delete – the contact will be deleted from this Contact List without the recovery option by pressing this button.

    • The number of contacts you are going to remove will be displayed at the beginning of the appeared action bar. 
    • Choose the “Select all contacts in a list” option (only for the Default Contact List). The popup allows you to specify the number of contacts you want to be deleted but only if you want to remove more than 50 contacts.

Additional action bar

  • Press the “Add contacts” button and you will be moved to the Import contacts page + Manual adding. The import contacts page also has an option of deleting contacts by importing the file. For a Default Contact List, you can also import contacts from other services.

  • Press the “Manage List” button to change the Contact List settings. Press the “Custom variables” tab to delete the custom variables from your Contact List.

  • Press the “Add variable” button to create a new custom variable and set its type (String or DateTime).

    • Cannot start with the number. Max 50 characters. Use only Latin letters, numbers, and “_”
  • Press the “Display setting” button to metrics to display. Here you can hide or display the Contact List columns.

  • Press the “Analytics” button to open the wide and detailed analytics of your Default Contact List (is available only for the Default Contact List). Follow this link to get acquainted with the full description of the Contact List Analytics details and parameters.

  • Press the “Export contacts” button to prepare the file in .CSV format with contacts and their details. You can download it in the Import/Export tab from the Activity Log section.