Welcome to Wooxy – Your Digital Growth Partner! Crafted with Excellence in Estonia
December 16, 2022

Manage Campaigns

In this article, we will show you all the controls on the Campaigns page.

To start work with the Templates – follow the steps below:

  • Navigate to the Campaigns Management page (Menu->Outbound->Campaigs).

  • Press the filter button to select the channel.

    • All channels
    • Email
    • SMS
    • WebPush
    • Telegram
    • Viber
  • Press the filter button to select the status.

    • All
    • Draft
    • Waiting
    • Ready
    • Running
    • Done
    • Stopped
    • Failed
  • Sort Сampaigns by name.

  • Sort Campaigns by launch type.

  • Search Campaigns by name and by ID.

  • Press the “Analytic” button. The report shows the performance of your Campaign and its key metrics. 

  • Press the “Info” button to get acquainted with the Campaign details.

  • By pressing the “More” button the following actions will be available:

    •  Duplicate – create the new Campaign with the same settings and parameters.
    •  Delete – remove the Campaign without a recovery option. NOTE: The Campaign could be also deleted by choosing the selection box next to the Campaign row.
  • Edit the desired Campaign by pressing on its name.

  • You can always keep abreast of the Campaigns launching schedule with the help of our handy organizer. Press on the “Calendar” icon. Here all of your Campaigns are placed in the corresponding cell according to the launch day.

    • NOTE: Only Campaigns with the “Done” status cannot be reached for editing here. 
    • NOTE: The “Draft” Campaigns are not displayed in the Calendar because the launch time is missing.
    • Every Campaign is clickable. You can check the main information about the Campaign:
      • The name of the Campaign.
      • Channel.
      • Status.
      • Launch type.
      • Launch time and description.

The interaction of buttons and statuses

ButtonStatusLaunch type
Ready(Ready for sending, can be launched, and can be edited before launch.)Manual


(The stop/disable button)

(Cannot be stopped and edited.)





Waiting(Can be stopped. If the launch time has passed on the restart, an alert is shown and you have the option to edit the Campaign.)



Stopped(If the Campaign was stopped before sending. Can be edited and launched.)



Done(Cannot be edited and cannot be launched.)






The campaign is not

(If you leave the Campaign setting page after pressing the “Next step” button. Can be edited. Cannot be launched.)Not selected
Failed(The reason can be seen in the corresponding table by pressing the “Info” button. Can be edited.)





Campaign Analytic parameters

SectionParameterDisplays forDescription
The Campaign detailed informationChannel & StatusAll CampaignsInforms which type of channel the Campaign is as well as which status it has at the moment of the Analytic checking.
NameAll CampaignsThe name of the Campaign
TemplateAll CampaignsThe name of the Template sent to the targeted contacts.
TypeAll CampaignsThe type of the Campaign launching.
Send timeAll CampaignsShows when the Campaign was sent. For the recurring type of launching such details are displayed: the start date and time, launch type, repeat frequency, and the end date.
TTL (Time to live)Web Push Campaign, Viber CampaignShows the time to live of the notifications of the Web Push Campaign and messages of the Viber Campaign.
Sender nameViber CampaignThe Sender name that your contacts saw when the received a Viber message from your company.
SegmentsAll CampaignsThe selected segment of contacts who were sent the Campaign. 
Excluded  segmentsAll CampaignsThe selected segment of contacts who were excluded from the Campaign sending.
Filtered by / One-time segmentAll CampaignsThe one-time filter conditions used for Audience segmentation to include or exclude contacts from the Campaign.
TagsAll CampaignsThe list of Tags of the Campaign.
BotTelegram CampaignThe name of the Bot which sent the Telegram Campaign.
The export report buttonExcelAll CampaignsDownloads all data in tabular form (no graphs) in XLSX format on your device. NOTE: The file is downloaded according to the selected iteration for recurring Campaigns. The most comfortable way for the downloaded file reading is to open it via Google Sheets.
PDFAll CampaignsDownloads data and graphs the way they appear on the page in PDF  format.  NOTE: The file is downloaded according to the selected iteration for recurring campaigns. 



(displays after the second iteration is done)

DeliveredAll recurring CampaignsThe number of delivered Email/SMS/Web Push/Telegram/Viber messages during the selected iteration.
Unique OpensAll recurring CampaignsThe number of unique message openings by contacts during the selected iteration.
Unique ClicksAll recurring CampaignsThe number of unique clicks in messages made by contacts during the selected iteration.
IterationAll recurring CampaignsList of all campaign replays. Here, by selecting an iteration from the drop-down menu, you can view the report individually for each of the sent campaigns and thus compare them.
Total sent messages All CampaignsThe number of messages sent after the Campaign launching.
EngagementDeliveredAll CampaignsThe status is assigned as soon as Wooxy has sent a message and it has been accepted by the server of the receiving provider.
Unique opensAll CampaignsRecipients who have opened the campaign a unique number of times.
Unique clicksAll CampaignsOnly the first click of the client is taken into account.
Delivery rateAll Campaigns

Delivery rate = (Delivered/Total) * 100 % 


*total = (delivered+hard+soft+reject)

Open rateAll CampaignsUnique Open rate = (Unique Opened/Delivered)* 100 %
Click rateAll CampaignsUnique Click rate = (Unique Clicks/Delivered) * 100 %
Total opensAll CampaignsTotal Opens = (Opened/Delivered)* 100 %
Total clicksAll CampaignsTotal Сlicks = (Clicks/Delivered) * 100 %
Click to open rateAll CampaignsCTR = (UniqueClicked/UniqueOpened) * 100 %
DeliverabilityDeliveredAll CampaignsThe status is assigned as soon as the Wooxy has sent a message and it has been accepted by the server of the receiving provider.
BouncedEmail CampaignMessages that were not successfully delivered to the contact. Wooxy automatically processes these responses from email providers and categorizes each failed email delivery attempt into one of the following failure categories: Soft bounce or Hard bounce.
FailedSMS, Web Push, Telegram, Viber CampaignsThis means, that the message couldn’t be successfully delivered to the addressee.
UnsubscribedEmail CampaignDisplays the number of unsubscribed contacts from the Campaign sending.
Marked as spamEmail CampaignThe recipient moved the message from Inbox to the Spam folder. Messages from the same sender might be sent to Spam in the future.
Hard bounceEmail CampaignMessages could not be delivered because of permanent problems, such as the address being undeliverable, e.g. it doesn’t exist.
Soft bounceEmail CampaignMessages can’t be delivered due to temporary issues, such as a recipient’s inbox that is full.
RejectedEmail, SMS, Viber CampaignsDisplays the number of declined emails and messages the Wooxy could not send due to many reasons, For example, exceeding the limit of emails or messages due to the tariff plan.
UndeliveredWeb Push CampaignAppears when the Push notification wasn’t delivered, an invalid token.
ExpiredWeb Push and Viber CampaignsThe Push notification or Viber message wasn’t shown due to TTL (Time to live).
DismissWeb Push CampaignThe recipient dismissed the permission to get Web Push notifications.
Top locations by click All CampaignsThe Geo Analysis plots your contacts’ activities on a world map. The resulting chart provides insights into the geographical distribution of your contacts’ activities. Tracking based on clicks. Displays up to 5 top locations.
Devices by click All CampaignsData about used devices based on clicks. The number of users who used the desktop version, as well as what percentage used the mobile version.
Top browsers Email CampaignDisplaying the top 5 most popular browsers from which clicks were made. View campaign click-based success details depending on browsers.
Top email service providers Email CampaignDisplaying the top 5 most popular ESPs from which clicks were made. View campaign click-based success details depending on email service providers.

The Campaign Details Overview

ChannelThe type of channel.
StatusThe current status of the Campaign.
Failure reasonno-email-templateAppears when the Email Template is deleted before the Email Campaign starts.
no-sms-templateAppears when the SMS Template is deleted before the SMS Campaign starts.
no-wp-templateAppears when the Web Push Template is deleted before the Web Push Campaign starts.
no-telegram-templateAppears when the Telegram Template is deleted before the Telegram Campaign starts.
Viber Template was deletedAppears when the Viber Template is deleted before the Viber Campaign starts.
No Viber sender nameAppears when the Viber Sender Name is deleted before the Viber Campaign starts.
Your sender name has been pausedThe Sender Name is deactivated/paused.
Not enough balanceNot enough funds on the payment card. Appears in the Viber Campaign because the total cost is counted here.
Contact list was deletedAppears when the selected Contact List is deleted before the Viber Campaign starts.
  • When the Telegram Bot doesn’t exist.
  • When the Telegram Bot is not available at the Campaign start moment.
no-contact-listAppears when the selected Contact List is deleted before the Campaign starts.
insufficient-balanceNot enough funds on the payment card. Appears in the SMS Campaign because the total cost is counted here.
telegram-bot-not-enabledWhen Telegram blocks your Telegram Bot ID and it becomes unavailable.
sms-not-allowedThe account where the SMS Campaign failed cannot send SMS. To get permission – contact the Wooxy support team via support@wooxy.com.
  • Appears in case all contacts are deleted from the selected list and/or segment before the Campaign starts.
  • If the Campaign is set up for sending to a specific segment and at the same time specifies it again in the list of excluded segments.
NameThe name of the Campaign along with its ID.
Creation dateThe time and date of when the Campaign was created according to the account’s time zone.
TemplateThe name of the Template along with its ID.
Telegram botThe name of the Telegram bot along with its ID.
Contact listThe name of the Contact List along with its ID.
TTL (time to live)Shows the time to live of the notifications of the Web Push Campaign and messages of the Viber Campaign.
Sender nameThe Sender Name that your contacts see when they receive a Viber message from your company.
Send to segmentsThis is an optional choice, the Campaign is sent only to those contacts that fall under the segment rule.
Exclude segmentsThis is an optional selection, using this filter you can exclude contacts from sending the Campaign
One-time segmentThe one-time filter conditions used for Audience segmentation to include or exclude contacts from the Campaign.
Launch typeThe type of the Campaign launch.
Send timeSet the date and time of sending the Campaign by choosing in advance the “Scheduled” and “Recurring” launch types. 
Create a Campaign by specifying the “Manual” launch type and start the Campaign whenever you want. 
Select the “Now” launch type and the Campaign will start just after its creation.
TagsThe list of tags that are included in the Campaign.