Welcome to Wooxy – Your Digital Growth Partner! Crafted with Excellence in Estonia
October 8, 2020

Stripo template

In this article, we will walk through the process of exporting a Stripo template into your Wooxy account.

Things to know before you start:

  • Stripo gives only 4 test templates for a free account.
  • Only paid Stripo accounts can be fully functional.
  • You can check the differences between Stripo plans on Plans & Pricing and select the one that suits you best. Your templates will no longer be updated if you delete the integration.
  •  NOTE: The uploaded Stripo template will be marked with the “Stripo” label. 
  • IMPORTANT: You cannot create or manage templates until the domain is added and verified in your account.
  • Pay attention to the role of the account user because not everyone has access to create and manage templates. More details are in the following article.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Create the Integration with your Stripo account with the Wooxy platform.

  • Navigate to the Templates management page (Menu->Content->Templates).

  • Click on the “Create” button.

  • Select the “Email” channel.

  • Choose a “Stripo Template” option.

  • Find the Stripo Email Template you would like to work with and click on the “Export” button.

  • Wait until the exported template appears in the list of Templates.

  • Manage your existing Templates. You can edit and improve each of your Templates. Make sure to save your changes before exiting your edited Template. 

Here you can:

  • Find the Template ID from the Stripo platform.

  • Edit Template. This action will redirect you to the Stripo platform, where you can make corrections.

  • Press the “Export” button. By pressing this button, you will export the Stripo Template to your Wooxy account.

  • Press the “Update” button. Check your Template code before exporting to Wooxy. IMPORTANT: The system will not allow you to do this until the twig rules are implemented correctly. The settings are identical to the “Your own HTML” editor.

  • Press the “Preview” button. You will be redirected to the Stripo preview page, where you can check how the following Template will be displayed on different devices. IMPORTANT: This feature is only available for paid Stripo accounts. See also how you can use the preview function on the Templates page.

On a related note, let’s discuss our Variables. You can use them in your Templates as {{variable}} to replace them with corresponding values from your Contact List. See the full list of system variables.

Here are some default variables in our system:

{{unSubscribeUrl}}You can use this variable in the Template to provide a link to unsubscribe the contact from the email list.
{{subscribeUrl}}The above-mentioned activity in reverse.
{{contactCreatedAt}}Created At a date in format YYYY-MM-DD.
{{name}}Contact name.
{{email}}Contact email.