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November 22, 2018


A Webhook is an HTTP callback that allows a web application to POST a message to a URL when certain events take place. Often called “Reverse APIs,” Webhooks can be used to receive data in real-time, pass it on to another application, or process the data faster than traditional APIs.

The Webhook notifies the URL via HTTP POST about events that take place with your email in the Wooxy platform. The Webhook then captures email-specific data related to unsubscribes, spam reports, bounced emails, and response data, and reports them in the manner in which you specify.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Navigate to the Integrations page (Menu -> Integrations).

  • Select the “Webhooks” section.

  • Press the “Create Webhook” button.

  • Type in the title of the Webhook.

  • Select the Project Domain.

  • Enter the endpoint URL for the event webhook POST request.

  • Select one or several events.

  • Click on the “Create” button.

The list of earlier created webhooks will be seen on the Webhooks page.

Events and triggers you are able to choose:

  • Email
    Icon caret
    Select allMark this check box in case you want to receive all Webhooks statuses and events available for that specific channel.
    Message StatusMessage is deliveredThe Delivered status is assigned as soon as the message sent by Wooxy is accepted by the recipient’s ESP server.
    Message is rejectedThe message has been rejected by Wooxy.
    Message is bouncedThe time and hard-bounce code received from the ESP. A hard bounce indicates a permanent reason why an email cannot be delivered. Hard-bounced email addresses are immediately automatically placed in the sender’s account Black List to prevent degradation of the sender’s domain reputation.
    Contact EventContact subscribes to EmailThe contact confirmed that agrees to get emails.
    Contact unsubscribes from EmailThe contact unsubscribed from the Email channel.
    Contact activatedThe contact is activated in the Contact List.
    Contact deactivatedThe contact is deactivated in the Contact List.
    Contact unsubscribes using List-Unsubscribe technologyThe contact pressed the Unsubscribe Link inside the message. That contact is automatically moved to the Email BlackList.
    Message EventMessage Is readThe read status is assigned every time this message has been opened by the user. The message includes information on each read.
    Message Is clickedThe click status is assigned every time tracked URLs in this message have been clicked by the user. The message includes information on each click.
    Message Is marked as SpamThe recipient moved the message from Inbox to the Spam folder. Messages from the same sender might be sent to Spam in the future.
  • SMS
    Icon caret
    Select allMark this check box in case you want to receive all Webhooks statuses and events available for that specific channel.
    Message StatusSMS is deliveredThe carrier server accepted & queued for delivery of this message.
    Contact EventContact subscribes to SMSThe contact confirmed that agrees to get SMSes.
    Contact unsubscribes from SMSThe contact unsubscribed from the SMS channel.
    Message EventSMS is clickedThe click status is assigned every time tracked URLs in this SMS have been clicked by the user. The message includes information on each click.
  • WebPush
    Icon caret
    Select allMark this check box in case you want to receive all Webhooks statuses and events available for that specific channel.
    Message StatusNotification Is deliveredThe WebPush notification has reached the recipient’s browser.
    Notification undeliveredThe WebPush notification wasn’t delivered, an invalid token.
    Notification is expired by TTLThe WebPush notification wasn’t shown due to TTL (Time to live).
    Contact EventDesktop WebPush permission Is declinedThe recipient has explicitly denied permission to show notifications.
    Desktop WebPush permission Is grantedThe recipient has allowed permission to display Desktop WebPush notifications, after having been asked previously.
    Contact unsubscribed from Desktop WebPushThe recipient dismissed the permission to display Desktop WebPush notifications.
    Mobile WebPush permission Is declinedThe recipient dismissed the permission to display Mobile WebPush notifications.
    Mobile WebPush permission Is grantedThe recipient has allowed permission to display Mobile WebPush notifications, after having been asked previously.
    Contact unsubscribes from Mobile WebPushThe recipient dismissed the permission to display Mobile WebPush notifications.
    Message EventNotification is clickedThe recipient followed a link in the content of the WebPush Notification.
    Notification is displayedThe WebPush Notification is shown on the recipient’s device.
    Notification is closed by UserThe Web Push Notification was closed by the recipient.
  • Telegram
    Icon caret
    Select allMark this check box in case you want to receive all Webhooks statuses and events available for that specific channel.
    Message StatusMessage is deliveredThe message has reached the recipient’s Telegram.
    Message is failedThe Telegram message delivery was not successful.
    Contact EventContact subscribed to Telegram BotThe contact launched the /start command to agree to get mailing.
    Contact unsubscribed from Telegram BotThe contact launched the /end command to refuse to get mailing.
    Contact subscribed to TelegramThe contact confirmed that agreed to get messages from the Telegram channel.
    Contact unsubscribed from TelegramThe contact pressed the unsubscribe button to stop getting the messages from the Telegram channel.
    Message EventMessage is viewedThe recipient opened the channel and reached the specific message or marked it as read.
    Message is clickedThe recipient followed a link in the content of the Telegram Message.
  • Viber
    Icon caret
    Select allMark this check box in case you want to receive all Webhooks statuses and events available for that specific channel.
    Message StatusMessage is deliveredThe message has reached the recipient’s Viber.
    Message is failedThe Viber message delivery was not successful.
    Message is expired by TTLThe Viber message wasn’t shown due to TTL (Time to live).
    Message is rejectedThe message has been rejected by Wooxy.
    Contact EventContact subscribed to ViberThe contact confirmed that agrees to get messages from the Viber channel.
    Contact unsubscribed from ViberThe contact unsubscribed from the Viber channel.
    Message EventMessage is viewedThe recipient opened the channel and reached the specific message or marked it as read.
    Message is clickedThe click status is assigned every time tracked URLs in this Viber message have been clicked by the user. The message includes information on each click.

Successful. 200 – OK. The 200 status code means that the request was received and understood and is being processed.

If the Webhook delivery fails, we will make 15 attempts to deliver the Webhook before dropping it from the queue:

Number of attemptsSeconds between attempts

The sandbox environment for Webhooks testing

Additionally, for testing, you can set up receiving a Webhook to the service https://webhook.site/ and see an example of how it will look.

Things to know before you start:

  • You must specify the URL address in your Wooxy account so that we know where we need to send the Webhook.
  • Here is a link to a Webhooks checking service: https://webhook.site/
  • Please take into account that each domain is considered a separate project in the system. So, you need to set up the Webhooks for each domain you have separately.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Go to the https://webhook.site/ and copy the unique URL.

  • Go to the Webhooks section in your Wooxy account  (Menu ->Integrations -> Webhooks).

  • Press the “Create Webhook” button.

  • Type in the title of the Webhook.

  • Select the Project Domain.

  • Paste the URL you copied previously on the Webhooks checking service.

  • Mark the checkbox next to each Webhook you want to track.

  • Return to the website https://webhook.site/, and now you will automatically receive all the Webhook statuses that you selected in the settings.

Unique URL from Webhook site
List of Webhooks
Webhooks results check