Welcome to Wooxy – Your Digital Growth Partner! Crafted with Excellence in Estonia
July 14, 2022

Allowed IPs/IP Addresses

Wooxy takes user security seriously. To ensure the protection of your account, we recommend not only setting up two-factor authentication but also restricting access by IP.

You can add trusted IPs from which your account can be accessed.

Compiling a list of allowed IP addresses allows you to control the access of your account visitors to the templates, campaigns, workflows, billing page, and more.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Navigate to the “Account Settings” page.

  • Press three vertical dots and choose the account settings section.

  • Select the “Account” tab.

  • Click the”‘Add” button in the “Allowed IPs” section.

  • Fill out the fields:

    • Name
    • IPv4 Address
    • 'optional' Subnet Mask. Subnet Mask must be between 1 and 32.
  • Press the “Add IP” button.

If after adding the list of trusted IPs the employee tries to log in to the admin account from another IP address, this action will be blocked.

The IP address can be enabled by using the switcher as well as deleted by pressing the trash button without a recovery option.