Welcome to Wooxy – Your Digital Growth Partner! Crafted with Excellence in Estonia
July 14, 2020


Here you can manage your personal data, set additional protection, and select the preferred interface language.

Here you can change the following data and parameters:

First and last names

  • Press the first or last name accordingly to change these data and confirm the action by pressing the check mark.


  • Upload the avatar image by pressing the “Plus(+)” button.

  • Recommended format PNG, JPEG, GIF. 

  • The file size is up to 2MB.

  • You can delete an image by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner of the avatar.

Contact email

  • Press the “Change email” button.

  • In order to change the email address, you need to write the correct password for this account.

  • Enter your new email address and press the “Change email” button if you want to perform that action.

Phone number

  • Click on the phone number. In the opened placeholder enter the new phone number and confirm the action by pressing a check mark.

  • Should be valid E.164 phone number.

Account ID

  • This is a unique account ID in the Wooxy system.

Change password button

To enhance the security of your account, we recommend creating a unique password after registering through Google. This will allow you to log in to your account later using your email and password.

  • Use it if you want to change your password for whatever reason. 

  • Press the “Change password” button if you want to perform that action.

Two-factor authentication

  • Two-factor authentication is a security process where the user provides 2 forms of ID to log in to Wooxy. It helps to keep your account safe.

  • Download and install the free Google Authenticator Android or iPhone app on your mobile device. In the app, click add and then scan the QR code. Enter the numbers from the app in the appropriate field.

Interface language

  • You can change the language of your interface for comfortableness.

  • For now, there are 2 languages available in the drop-down menu.